Friends of Silver Lake Nature Center

Believed to have appeared in its present location in 1689, Silver Lake has a rich and unexpected history. After centuries of exchanging ownership and being mistreated, Silver Lake Nature Center is now made up of 235-acres of “natural treasure” and home to many Pennsylvania rare and threatened animal and plant species. Bisected by Bath Road in Bristol PA, the nature center is made up of two sections, Silver Lake and Dalhaas Woods, which includes 5 major communities: Coastal Plain Forest, Meadows, Unglaciated Bog, Wetlands, and Pond.
Friends of Silver Lake Nature Center is a non-profit, membership based organization who dedicates their time to preserving the lush foliage, rich wetlands, and unique wildlife that inhabit the nature center. In addition to their picturesque trails, the organization also hosts events, camps, and clubs for all ages.
To become a member of Inspire Federal Credit Union by way of Friends of Silver Lake Nature Center, simply select that option in the Member Eligibility section of the application (at no cost to you).