Telephone Banking For Financial Transactions
Your account information is just a call away with our new Telephone Banking system! The system allows you to access information over the phone on your various deposit accounts, as well as loan information. You can even transfer money between your deposit accounts anytime you want, 24/7!

Whether you are at the office, home, or in your car….all you need to do is dial the number below.
To Access Telephone Banking, Dial 215.788.5270!

Get Started
Verify Account Balances
Verify Account Transfers
Verify Loan Account Details
Transfer Between Checking and Savings Accounts
Report a lost or stolen Debit Mastercard® or Visa® Rewards Credit Card
And more!
The first time you call you will be asked for your member ID number (earliest established member number), social security number and date of birth to enroll in our new telephone banking system. To maintain confidentiality, you will be prompted to set up your 6-digit PIN (personal identification number) during the first call. To gain access to your account information after enrollment you will be asked for your PIN each time you call in.
Ask about our voice authentication for a more convenient and secure verification process!