Stress Less With Skip-A-Pay!

Would you like to skip a loan payment this year?
Wouldn’t it be nice to have some extra cash this summer? Maybe your bills are mounting from an unexpected expense, need extra cash for a summer vacation, or you want to keep more money in your checking account. It’s easy to skip a loan payment with Inspire FCU so you can focus on the other things in life that matter.
You may qualify to skip a payment on your July, August or September due date for:
Recreational Vehicles
Submit your application by completing the Skip-A-Pay form. Be sure to complete the form at least ten (10) days before the due date of your loan. Once we receive your application, we will defer the equivalent of one month’s payment for your qualified loan.* Inspire FCU is here to help you enjoy (and afford) stress free living!
What are the benefits of Skip-a-Pay?
Extra cash when you need it most!
Freedom of one less bill payment
Opportunity to spend more on the things you enjoy!
Enjoy guilt-free vacations that wont stretch your wallet
Peace of mind to focus on family and less on finances
It's Easy to Skip A Loan Payment!
Simply CLICK TO SKIP to start your application. Please be aware this is an electronic form and a valid email address will be required to submit your skip-a-pay application. You will be asked to electronically sign the form to complete the application process.
*In order to qualify, the loan must be current/in good standing and have been so for at least ninety (90) days. Requests must be received at least ten (10) days before the due date of the loan. Offer valid on auto, motorcycle, RV, boat, personal and share secured loans only. Your first three (3) monthly payments must have been made on the loan for the offer to apply. Members may only use the Skip-a-Payment offer to skip a maximum of two (2) payments per calendar year, with a lifetime maximum of no more than the number of years the loan is booked.Deferments received a result of COVID-19 count toward skipped months as it relates to number of skips per calendar year and life of loan. For example, if the loan term is five years (60 months), the maximum is five (5) skipped payments over the term of the loan. If less than all parties to the original loan agreement sign the document request, the signature by the signing party or parties and acceptance of the skip-a-pay program benefits constitutes agreement by the signing party and all other original contracting parties to the terms and conditions of this program. When a payment is skipped, the terms and length of the loan will be extended from the original payment schedule by one month. Interest will continue to accrue during the month skipped. The Promissory Note will be extended and the subsequent payoff and interest charges will be affected. Also, please be advised that GAP, unemployment, mechanical and Life & Disability Insurance will not cover any skipped payments. Payments made through Payroll Deduction will be deposited into your primary savings account for the month you are skipping your payment. $40 processing fee applies per Skip-a-Payment request whether the request is approved or denied. The $40 processing fee will be collected as an advance onto the loan balance. This credit union is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration.